Aircraft cause Snow?

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Aircraft cause Snow?

#1 Postby WeatherGuesser » Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:41 pm

Holes in clouds, like the one shown above, have been associated with the passage of aircraft since the 1940s, but it hasn't been clear how significant this process is. By the 1980s, researchers had found that propeller-driven aircraft produce large pressure changes in their wake, which produce a lot of ice crystals if they pass through supercooled clouds. More recent work showed just how large this effect can be: propellers can induce temperature drops of up to 30°C, while the wings of jets can lower the temperature by 20°C. If a cloud is already in the area of -10 to -20°C, that means the airplane should cause ice to crystalize out of clouds.

The new paper shows what happens as a result of these crystals. Modeling indicates that the heat released by ice formation causes an updraft in the immediate vicinity of where an aircraft passes. This carries most of the ice crystals back upward, with the exception of the heaviest, which fall through the updraft as snow. On the periphery of the updraft, a corresponding downdraft causes evaporation of the water in the cloud, which gradually expands the hole. This self-sustaining cycle should cause the hole to expand for up to an hour after the aircraft passes, and vastly expands the area affected by the aircraft's passage.

The researchers looked at satellite and radar imagery to see whether they could spot the equivalent of what their model was showing. Could they ever. Radar near a Denver airport showed lines of snow formation that followed curved paths typical of airliners. Clouds over the continental US showed extended trains of holes and channels that followed flight paths verified on air transportation records. "Some holes reached lengths of >100 km and were detected for four or more hours," the authors note. From the point where they were detected on radar, the holes would double their area within a half hour, and continued to expand out to a full hour. ... r-wake.ars

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