Post Counts a thing of the past at storm2k

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#101 Postby HurricaneQueen » Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:26 pm

I think this is the best thing since sliced bread. Thank you S2K. :bday:

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#102 Postby KWT » Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:57 am

Well I've gone from a TS to a cat-2 faster then Wilma went from cat-1 to cat-5!
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#103 Postby bvigal » Wed Jun 28, 2006 8:46 am

How many of you out there are now ready to trade in that

"Category 5" for "S2K Supporter"???

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#104 Postby therock1811 » Wed Jun 28, 2006 10:19 am

mf_dolphin wrote:Here are the updated counts. :-)

Code: Select all

Tropical Wave                1
Tropical Low                10
Tropical Depression         50
Tropical Storm             100
Category 1                 250
Category 2                 500
Category 3                 800
Category 4                 900
Category 5                1000

I wondered why suddenly I jumped from wherever I was to a 5.

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#105 Postby Regit » Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:04 pm

Not arguing, but just a thought... With the categories closer together and easier to achieve, isn't it going to encourage useless posting to rise in the ranks? For instance, when you get to Depression, wow only 50 more to go, then 150 more, then 250 more. Getting to Cat 5 now seems easy and quick with a bunch of one-liners. Seems to me that making it require even more posts to rise up would discourage the behavior, as even with one liners or playing in the games forum, you're not rising any time soon. Being seemingly stuck at the low ranks might also encourage more to get the Supporter badge. As I said, just a tought. :D Doesn't matter to me. I'm a supporter but haven't bothered to get my badge yet. I can get it any time if the ranks irritate me.

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#106 Postby gotoman38 » Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:52 pm

S2K is an essential resource for following tropical weather.

Message board politics have no place in this forum, and I congratulate the Admins and Mods for making this (and other) difficult decision(s).

I do hope that other troll snatching schemes work as well.

Mostly lurking (and working),


Jim Cantore

#107 Postby Jim Cantore » Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:33 am

I'm stronger then the real floyd now!

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#108 Postby Stratusxpeye » Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:40 am

Not arguing here either. I don't really agree 100% with these changes either. I know the reasons they are made and I understand them and overall it does work out better in the longrun sometimes. I agree with removal of the posts but the new categories I don't belive are fair. I would look at an experience members posts more than someone who joined yesterday and made 1 post, and these new changes make it harder to do that.

I read the forum a lot more than I post in it and have for a few years before I joined and I'm a very ametuer weather person. I don't belive I deserve the CAT2 Rank for such little experience. I also agree with the above poster (regit)'s comments regarding people posting more to get to the higher rank the same as if they did it to have a higher post count. Defeats the purpose. Just wanted to comment IMO Only.

I soon will get the supporter badge anyway as I would love to donate to support S2K but I'm waiting on some bonus from my job and I will try to donate at that time. Overall great job mods and execs I'm sure I'll get use to the changes and in 6 months time won't remember how it use to be. :)

Jim Cantore

#109 Postby Jim Cantore » Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:23 pm

I hope to get some spare cash to send to S2K myself.

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#110 Postby JQ Public » Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:37 pm

i noticed that if you go to memberlist you can still order people from highest to lowest post count. even if it doesn't say the number of posts you have. i don't know if anyone mentioned this already?

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#111 Postby Audrey2Katrina » Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:45 pm

i noticed that if you go to memberlist you can still order people from highest to lowest post count. even if it doesn't say the number of posts you have. i don't know if anyone mentioned this already

I believe you'll find that this listing is in chronological order, and not in any order according to numbers of post count. For me, it only indicates from 8, Oct, 2002, till current date the "joining" date of members.

Flossy 56 Audrey 57 Hilda 64* Betsy 65* Camille 69* Edith 71 Carmen 74 Bob 79 Danny 85 Elena 85 Juan 85 Florence 88 Andrew 92*, Opal 95, Danny 97, Georges 98*, Isidore 02, Lili 02, Ivan 04, Cindy 05*, Dennis 05, Katrina 05*, Gustav 08*, Isaac 12*, Nate 17, Barry 19, Cristobal 20, Marco, 20, Sally, 20, Zeta 20*, Claudette 21 IDA* 21 Francine *24

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#112 Postby southerngale » Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:45 pm

JQ Public wrote:i noticed that if you go to memberlist you can still order people from highest to lowest post count. even if it doesn't say the number of posts you have. i don't know if anyone mentioned this already?

I had never even done that before. I guess because post counts mean nothing to me and I can't understand the mentality of wanting more posts just for the sake of having more posts. When I've needed to access the memberlist, I was looking at recent members anyway so I went by the join date. Anyway, thanks for mentioning that. Unfortunately, it's just something else that will likely keep people trying to rack up their posts. Only God knows why.

Edit: That's what I thought too, A2K. But apparently, you can choose your sort method with the drop-down menu. I had just never noticed that before because I don't access the memberlist that often, and when I do, I'm looking for something and use the join by date anyway. I had no reason to look for another sort method, and didn't even notice there was other options. lol

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#113 Postby all_we_know_is_FALLING » Sun Jul 23, 2006 3:42 pm

Hurricane Floyd wrote:Also get rid of the people who bring nothing to the table but running up post counts.

Uhhh... I never tried to run up post counts, but not everyone has something to bring to the table. I'm still young and know very little about hurricanes compared to the average S2K poster.. I come here to read what others have to say and when I comment I don't add much.

And I'm not just directing this at you Hurricane Floyd, but not everyone are weather geniuses... I will be studying meteorology in a few years at university, but until then I won't be able to compare to everyone else.

All members here, who aren't trolling, need to be appreciated.

Jim Cantore

#114 Postby Jim Cantore » Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:50 pm

I think we should add "Invest" to the levels :wink:

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