The Socialist Myth

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The Socialist Myth

#1 Postby Rob-TheStormChaser » Sat Feb 15, 2003 6:37 pm

There is a wide spread myth in our society today, and that myth is that sometimes it is impossible to succeed. This myth was created and is perpetuated by liberal socialists, who seek to enslave the most susceptible people in this country, so that they can legislate this free country into a government-controlled unelected hegemony.

Their true goals are not to help the people of this country, but rather to have a one-world government in which appointed officials control everything. These “servants of the people” tell inner-city blacks that they cannot achieve success because of discrimination, unfair treatment of their ancestors, and economic disparities between themselves and successful people. They give them money and say that they’re just evening the playing field in an unfair capitalist economy.

This has given the underclass an “ I’m a victim of the system attitude.” They either see themselves as a victim of capitalism, racism, or the very system that claimed it was there to help them. But the fact is that in this country anyone can succeed if they follow the right steps.

An important and statistically proven way for success is to get a high school education and, if possible, a college education. Employers are not only looking for an educated person, but they’re also looking for a person who is tenacious and will finish what they start. People who quit school are statistically more likely to quit other things. That’s why the United States Military does not allow GED’s.

Also, it is statistically proven that college graduates make more money than high school graduates or high school dropouts. Of course there are exceptions, but the exceptions do not make the rules. The few college graduates who don’t succeed probably didn’t do so because of other factors such as drug abuse or criminal conviction.

Also, people today think that they should succeed immediately. Whether it’s a newlywed couple that is living beyond their means or a college graduate who thinks that he or she should be appointed vice president, people today just don’t think realistically. Successful people become successful only through hard work.

A college graduate might not land a high paying job right after graduation, but in the long run he or she will be rewarded for graduating college. People today need to relearn the work ethic.

Another very important factor for attaining success is to get and stay married. Married people usually make more money than their single counterparts. This can be attributed to specialization, and the fact that two can live more cheaply together than apart. When a married couple specializes, one spouse focuses on their career while another focuses on the household.

That’s not to say that specialization means that one spouse works while the other doesn’t, but rather it means that one spouse’s job will be mainly either domestic or career orientated depending upon their talents and goals. This is why married men usually make more money than single men of the same age. Married people are also less likely to be depressed, commit suicide, and become alcoholics, which are not good things to have if one wishes to succeed in life.

Getting and keeping a job is another crucial factor for success. A lot of snobbish, elitists, ignorant, liberals see such jobs as janitor, cashier, or ditch digger as work unworthy of human beings. They see no benefit in these jobs for anybody, especially the people who occupy them. They are however, wrong.

These jobs and in fact any job is beneficial to the individual who occupies it and to society. Getting and keeping a job whether that be at a law firm or McDonalds teaches an individual how to get up on time and go to work, how to take abuse from a boss, and how to get along with people who are hard to get along with. All of these traits are crucial for success in the working world.

These are the steps that most successful people have taken. If politicians and activists really wanted to help people, then they would emphasize these ethics instead of making disincentives like welfare. But instead of promoting the ethics that have been proven to work, they are promoting the system that has been proven to fail, and the people that will be hurt the most are the poor people of this country who need to know how to succeed.

Of course, history shows us that socialists see people as ants instead of what they are, that being unique individuals who aren’t replaceable.

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#2 Postby streetsoldier » Sat Feb 15, 2003 6:48 pm

There are no "small jobs"...only small people.

I'll restate something I once posted for the benefit of those who haven't seen it yet...

"When Government interferes with the work of the market economy, it tends to reduce the moral and physical strength of the nation; when it takes from one man to bestow upon another, it reduces the incentive of the first, the integrity of the second, and the moral autonomy of both." -Sharon Statement, 1960 (subscribed at William F. Buckley's home in Sharon Hill, CT at the foundation of the Young Americans for Freedom).


#3 Postby Rob-TheStormChaser » Sat Feb 15, 2003 6:52 pm

I love those eloquent quotes from our predecessors...makes me tingle almost! lmao Ah, to live in the past when it seemed all so easy.

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#4 Postby streetsoldier » Sun Feb 16, 2003 4:00 am

If the truth be known, "socialism" in any form you wish, doesn't WORK, people; it is largely based on Marxist economic theory and Freudian psychology, both of which are "well-meaning but flawed" at best...remove a man's self-interest and incentive to reap the benefits of his own labor, and see how far said society gets.

Starvation, long bread, clothing and food lines, and brutal secret policing are the order of the day, as we have seen ever since 1919, and still see today.

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