Some U.S. lawmakers want to ban French water, wine and move

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#21 Postby coriolis » Fri Feb 14, 2003 9:05 pm

I agree with you on that wannabe.

If our course of action is right, we should just do it. I suspect that if we go in there with the "coalition of the willing" we will find all kinds of bad things to show that we were right. Of course the longer we wait, the more chance he has to hide and destroy his stuff.
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#22 Postby streetsoldier » Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:53 pm

Giving France veto power was a "sop" to Charles de that error has come back to haunt us, big time.

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#23 Postby Stephanie » Fri Feb 14, 2003 11:10 pm

Yes HD - very overboard! It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face. When and where will it stop? Then it'll be France that will stop importing things from us. There goes jobs, the economy, etc. They're in disagreement with us for goodness sake!

Actually, I can almost see an analogy between that and what happened at TWC...

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#24 Postby OtherHD » Sat Feb 15, 2003 12:13 am

I realize that France, et al. aren't doing their part in enforcing the resolutions that they helped pass, but seriously, sanctions???

Even if it were to happen, how would the UN go about imposing them? Does the Security council do a vote? Surely that wouldn't pass.

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#25 Postby JQ Public » Sat Feb 15, 2003 1:21 am

That is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. There is one thing we value in american culture and that is the freedom of speech. I dunno why people are so angry. Not everyone agrees with america...we can not always get our way. We like pushing people around to get our way and its not working this time so we're acting like spoiled babies. The french german chinese and russians all against the war has to say smthg! They have not forbidden american goods to be sold in their countries. We would not survive without selling chinese goods. See how we can ban french goods but no one in america is stupid enough to ban chinese goods because we get most of our goods from there. We're acting like a bunch of spoiled rich kids.

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#26 Postby Stephanie » Sat Feb 15, 2003 11:35 am

Yes JQ - the United States isn't right all of the time. NATO and the UN are not there to just support what the United States thinks should be done, but to gather a consensus from all of the countries that are a part of them. Just like in Congress majority votes rule, so does the votes of UN and NATO. We can't keep changing the rules because we don't like what the outcome is.

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#27 Postby mf_dolphin » Sat Feb 15, 2003 12:17 pm

Majority does not rule in either NATO or the UN. Let's get the facts straight. A single country can and has many times in the past blocked significant UN action.

The facts are the the majority did agree woth the US position on Turkey at NATO. The only dissenting votes were France, Germany, and Belgium.

I do agree with some of the other points expressed by other posters above:

An embargo is not a good move by our Government. I fully support a boycott by the American people but government action is not needed.

The positioning of US Forces in Germany is no longer necessary and not only costs the American taxpayers a load of mony but also dumps that money into a country that obviously opposes us. Where is the sence in that.

The effectiveness of the UN has been questioned from the very outset. The humanitarian role of the UN could be better served by any number of disaster agencies worldwide. The military/peacekeeping role is based primarily on the strength of the US military with most other member nations sending token contingents. And to top it all, we fund the bulk of he UN costs. The time for the UN has long passed IMO.

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#28 Postby JQ Public » Sat Feb 15, 2003 3:49 pm

One other thing i must say is that Isolating America from the rest of the world would send us into a tailspin. It seems like this is what people want...and it won't help us b/c we cost too much...most of our goods come from other places but are still branded with the "American Heritage" or some other generic name. If we keep closing the doors we will be in a world of trouble.

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#29 Postby streetsoldier » Sat Feb 15, 2003 9:28 pm

I must concede that you are correct...where would I get my monthly ration of brie, camembert, black bread and Chardonnay while dining on escargot with an atrichoke-heart salad, followed by Boeuf a' Chasseur and a mildly impertinent Cream Sherry for dessert? Much less the "Cordon-Bleu" chefs to prepare my repast?

It is too much to contemplate such a culinary disaster...Oh, the humanity!

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