Making money off hurricanes

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Making money off hurricanes

#1 Postby Crazed98 » Sat Aug 26, 2006 4:26 pm

Just wondering what everyones thoughts are on people who are making money off hurricanes either through the stock market or through casinos that let people bet on which storm will cause the most damage.

Especailly from the people who have been involved in hurricanes or are in the path of them.

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#2 Postby Diva » Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:01 pm

If your talking about exploiting people's misfortune, of course I think that's not a very ethical way of making your money.

However, the fact of the matter is someone WILL BE making money off of a natural disaster, be it a hurricane or something else. My husband is an insurance adjuster so natural disasters are our business. When Rita hit here last year, our local economy had $$ added to it that hadn't been here prior to the storm. Contracters, adjusters, volunteers, national media, etc... all came to help rebuild. When they came they brought money with them and spent it here. Not to mention all the FEMA and Red Cross dollars that freely flowed around here.

Please don't misunderstand, I'm not saying it's a good thing when there's a disaster and money is made. What I AM saying is that natural disasters WILL happen and money WILL to be made and spent in clean-up and re-building. It's just the nature of the beast.

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#3 Postby NFLDART » Sun Sep 03, 2006 10:57 am

Sometimes natural disasters will provide a much needed economic boost to an affected area. Just as a Major War can boost a nations economy.

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