Mayor of NO?

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Mayor of NO?

#1 Postby gofast » Thu Sep 01, 2005 5:48 pm

He went from being everywhere to almost nowhere today. His deisgn, or is he being pushed aside? Or am I letting my imagination get the best of me?

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Re: Mayor of NO?

#2 Postby blueeyes_austin » Thu Sep 01, 2005 5:53 pm

gofast wrote:He went from being everywhere to almost nowhere today. His deisgn, or is he being pushed aside? Or am I letting my imagination get the best of me?

His ineffectuality became clear and state and local folks have taken over.

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#3 Postby photoguy » Thu Sep 01, 2005 5:59 pm

I thought the same thing at first but then I realized that he is trapped in the city as well. He does not have helicopters at his disposal. He no longer has much of anything at his disposal.

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#4 Postby SunnyThoughts » Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:00 pm

Last I heard he was at the convention center with thousands of evacuees...trying to get them out of there in some way.

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#5 Postby Mattie » Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:30 pm

Well Mary Landrieu is about to get on my last nerve doing the political thing on TV. She's not helping the situation and I think she needs to go to New Orleans and get her hands dirty.

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#6 Postby PhillyWX » Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:35 pm

Mattie wrote:Well Mary Landrieu is about to get on my last nerve doing the political thing on TV. She's not helping the situation and I think she needs to go to New Orleans and get her hands dirty.


At least the Mayor is trying his best. I haven't seen much from Landrieu other than her getting on TV and doing political grandstanding...

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#7 Postby TSmith274 » Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:15 pm

The mayor IS NOT the problem. See my thread about us being lied to.

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#8 Postby Recurve » Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:55 pm

Did people expect the mayor and the police department of a devastated, drowned city to handle the aftermath of a Cat 4 hurricane and urban disaster by themselves, with FEMA there to hand out t-shirts and tents?

Really, if the feds didn't realize they'd need to take over with military forces from the moment Katrina made landfall, they are some pretty dumb boys and girls. The disaster encompass three states, a strategic port, a major industrial region, a stranded population of anywhere from 20,000-200,000, and NO effective local government or serivices -- every hospital, hotel, and business is out of commission, and the police, fire and rescue departments are as damaged as their cities -- their homes are destoyed, and there's no food, water, facilities or communication.

First it was the people's fault for not leaving, then it's the local and state officials' fault for not handling it better themselves. This is something the federal government needs to manage -- all the states together have to come to this rescue, and anybody should be able to figure that out.

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#9 Postby mf_dolphin » Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:24 pm

[quote="recurve']Really, if the feds didn't realize they'd need to take over with military forces from the moment Katrina made landfall, they are some pretty dumb boys and girls. [/quote]

And if you haven't read the Constitution of the United States I would suggest you do so. What you suggest in expressly prevented by that very document.


#10 Postby wxcrazytwo » Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:06 pm

mf_dolphin wrote:[quote="recurve']Really, if the feds didn't realize they'd need to take over with military forces from the moment Katrina made landfall, they are some pretty dumb boys and girls.

And if you haven't read the Constitution of the United States I would suggest you do so. What you suggest in expressly prevented by that very document.[/quote]

dunno MF.

n. a system of complete control by a country's military over all activities, including civilian, in a theoretical or actual war zone, or during a period of emergency caused by a disaster such as an earthquake or flood, with the military commander having dictatorial powers. In the United States martial law must be ordered by the President as commander-in-chief and must be limited to the duration of the warfare or emergency. It cannot result in a long-term denial of constitutional rights, such as habeas corpus, the right to a trial, and to free press. Martial law was ordered in contested areas during the Civil War (but the Supreme Court ruled President Abraham Lincoln's suspension of the writ of habeas corpus was unconstitutional), and during the San Francisco earthquake and fire in 1906 when the city was in ruins, tens of thousands were homeless, and looting and disease posed great dangers to the public. Misuse of martial law, such as destruction of the veterans' encampment in Washington, D.C. under President Herbert Hoover, has proved unpopular in the United States. In many foreign countries martial law has become a method to establish and maintain dictatorships either by military leaders or politicians backed by the military. Martial law is not to be confused with "military law," which governs the conduct of the military services and applies only to service men and women.

Although not expressly stated in the Const, it is allowed..

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#11 Postby artist » Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:34 pm

if they want martial law then why doesn't the Governor ask for it? IT is the state's responsibility. As well as they waited a day to even order mandatory evacuation when they were being begged by Max Mayfield. Seems it would have given the time for a lot more to get out as well as better planning for the aftermat as well. And they only had a hand full of National Guard on stand by for such a large area. That was the responsibility of the La homeland security head (Lt. Kevin Kowan) who has now admitted that they were not truly prepared.

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#12 Postby artist » Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:50 pm

You have to remember that last year the state of FL. had 3 hurricanes hit the state within 6 weeks yet they were prepared - true they did not have the flooding to deal with but to be hit one right after the other they still got help to everyone pretty darn quickly. It is called planning in my opinion.


#13 Postby wayoutfront » Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:28 am

artist wrote:You have to remember that last year the state of FL. had 3 hurricanes hit the state within 6 weeks yet they were prepared - true they did not have the flooding to deal with but to be hit one right after the other they still got help to everyone pretty darn quickly. It is called planning in my opinion.

Why does everyone want to try and compare apples to oranges...

You take all the hurricanes combined .. and combine them... still not near the same level as what is unfolding now......

This is something noone in modern times in America has seen... this is more akin to the tsnami.

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#14 Postby jasons2k » Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:49 am


Well stated, thanks for the research.

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