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North or South Carolina ???

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 9:16 am
by Amanzi
Hi ya guys..

all you people in North or South carolina, here is a question for ya..
I promised my son I would find snow for him come (@#*# or high water) this winter so he can build a snowman. Can you guys recomend any places up in the mountains that has a little bit of accumulation to frolick in???? I need a break myself (wont say I just spent 3 weeks in the have hubby all convinced (giggle) that it is of very high importance I keep my word as a parent to take my little boy to the snow, because i made a promise...need to set a good example you know. (NO selfish motivation I can assure you!)

I have looked online, but it is so much better when someone who is a local makes a recomendation. I have a camper so if you know of any nice campsites in the mountains please let me know...Or even a hotel or motel that you know of. ANYTHING...III NNEEDDD SNOW..

Please help me out here son's phsycological future depends on it :wink:

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 10:13 am
by Amanzi
:roll: Gee guyz thanks for the overwhelming amount of help

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 10:24 am
by HeartofNC

You can find snow in the Mountains in NC. They are supposed to have quite a bit of it by now. Grandfather Mountain, Boone, Ashville, all are nice places to visit and should have snow by this weekend.

Have fun, and make snow angels and take pictures!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 11:05 am
by Amanzi
:D Thanks Heart

I had a look at some of your suggestions, and I found a lovely place in Grandfather, I just hope I can get the dates right for some falling snow...I will make a biiiigg snowman just for you! and a whole row of snow angles :wink: