2013 Predictions

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2013 Predictions

#1 Postby cycloneye » Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:44 pm

Is that time again to do this thread of predictions by the members. I didn't have a good outcome in the 2012 one so let's see how I do this time.

1-Miami Heat wins a second NBA championship in a row.
2-The U.S will have three landfalling hurricanes.
3-Stock Market reaches 15,000.
4-The U.S will be on the brink of war with North Korea but is averted at the last minute.
5-Powerful earthquake shakes Mexico with many deaths reported.
6-Houston Texans win the Superbowl.
7-Detroit Tigers win the World Series.
8-Israel bombs Iran nuclear facilities.
9-Four well known actors will die.
10-Europe debt crisis will be resolved.
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#2 Postby StormingB81 » Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:59 pm

1. New York Knicks wn the NBA Championship
2. Seattle Seahawks shock the NFL world and make it to the Superbowl falling Short to the NE Patriots.
2a. Tim Tebow returns to NY with another team and beats the Jets.
3. New York Yankees win the World Series.
4. NHL will now resolve the Strike before the end of the season.
5. The U.S will have ONE landfalling hurricanes.
6. A former President will die.
7. Average temps in US during Summer will be well below average.
8. A tsunami will effect the pacific area's ring of fire.
9. Stocks and housing surge (at least 14,500). Jobs take off and unemployment falls below 6.5%
10. Winter begins early and there will be a few major nor' easters with a southern white christmas down to SC.

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#3 Postby Tireman4 » Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:01 pm

As I have predicted the last three years, " There will be a Christmas in 2013!!! Wee hee.....

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Re: 2013 Predictions

#4 Postby Ptarmigan » Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:31 pm

Let's see how I predicted 2012.

1.) LSU beats Alabama in BCS Championship in a close game. Alabama won.
2.) Green Bay Packers win Super Bowl XLVI. New York Giants won.
3.) There will be multiple cold blasts in January and February on the level of 1985. 2011-2012 winter was a warm winter.
4.) Arizona wins in March Madness. Kentucky won.
5.) Texas drought is declared over in late Spring after massive and widespread flooding similar to December 1991 Flood. Texas is still in a drought.
6.) There will be multiple tornado outbreaks. Tornado outbreaks did occur, including the most recent one.
7.) Los Angeles Lakers win the NBA Championship. Miami won.
8.) The hurricane season will be less active than 2010 and 2011, but more storms make landfall. Three major hurricanes make landfall on America. 2012 was just as active as 2010 and 2011 and Hurricane Sandy made landfall, which was devastating.
9.) The economy weakens again due to Europe's Financial Crisis. The economy is still weak.
10.) America wins the most gold medals in 2012 Olympics. America won most gold medals at 46.
11.) Multiple incidents of mass shootings throughout America, including one school shooting. There were Aurora movie theater and Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre.
12.) 2012 Elections ends up in the courts. Never happened.
13.) Texas Rangers go to the World Series again and win. San Francisco Giants won.
14.) Casey Anthony is in legal trouble again and goes to prison. Never happened.
15.) Westboro Baptist Church collapses. Still could happen.
16.) Jerry Sandusky will be sentenced to 400 years in prison. Sandusky was sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison.
17.) Lindsey Lohan goes back to prison. Looks like that could happen in 2012.
18.) Iran's nuclear weapons program collapses. Not yet.
19.) A massive solar flare, even more powerful than Carrington Super Flare of 1859 and causes massive power failure. Never happened, but solar flare activity has not peaked.
20.) The world will not end on December 21, 2012. Spot on.

I got somethings right. :lol: :wink:

What will happen in 2013.
1.) Notre Dame wins BCS Championship in close game.
2.) Houston Texans win the Super Bowl XLVII.
3.) Huge Arctic blasts in January and February and on par with 1949, 1951, 1985, and 1989.
4.) Michigan wins in March Madness.
5.) Texas and American drought is over after a wet late winter and spring.
6.) Economy goes back into a recession.
7.) A former President will pass away.
8.) Two bright comets will occur and one will be the brightest and greatest in many years around Thanksgiving and Christmas (Comet ISON).
9.) Syrian Civil War becomes a Middle East wide war.
10.) Strings of mass shootings at various places.
11.) Terrorist attack in a place that is least expected.
12.) A massive solar flare, even more powerful than Carrington Super Flare of 1859 and causes massive power failure.
13.) Major television network will collapse.
14.) Massive earthquake in San Francisco Bay Area.
15.) Major hurricane makes landfall on Gulf Coast in a less than active hurricane season.
16.) Super typhoon makes landfall on Shanghai.
17.) More legal problems for Penn State stemming from Jerry Sandusky scandal and Sandusky being prosecuted for more crimes.
18.) North Korea launches a missile with a nuclear warhead, but falls into the ocean.
19.) A missing child case that gets a lot of media attention.
20.) Iran is attacked by Israel.
Last edited by Ptarmigan on Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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2013 predictions

#5 Postby gigabite » Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:46 pm

1. iPhone will get flash player
2. Iraqi Oil Law passes
3. Solar cycle 24 maxes out
4. Stock market corrects 15% June
5. Drought ends
6. June wheat contract $300
7. Record low temperature Bismarck, ND
8. Miami Heat take NBA Finals
9. Unemployment rate hits 6.3
10. Handset subsidies dropped by carriers 

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Re: 2013 Predictions

#6 Postby vbhoutex » Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:37 am

My 2012 predictions: How did I do?
1. Fidel Castro will die this year, but the Cubans try to cover it up. The internet prevails and word gets out. wrong
2. The Atlantic Hurricane season will have multiple major landfalling hurricanes on the US coastline with at least 2 GOM and 2 East coast hits. No majors, but Issac and Sandy were 2 too many!!
3. A massive Tsunami will occur somewhere in the Atlantic basin either from a huge earthquake or massive landslide. Nope
4. The winter will be very short, especially in Texas. Most areas of the deep South will have less than half the freezes they had last winter. SE TX has a surprise 8" snowfall from one of the cold shots. Mostly correct except for the snow
5. Once again there will be a massive tornado outbreak in the deep south in April. Not April. No massive outbreaks
6. Similar to 2011, weather worldwide will be cataclysmic and disastrous(yes I copied it) Not so much
7. Newt Gingrich wins the Republican nomination for vice president with Ron Paul as his running mate. ??Wrong any way you look at it
8. Israel invades Iran and ousts the Ayotollah and Achminijad(sp) bringing more major unrest to the Middle East. Not yet, but there is major unrest
9. The stock market will continue to be volatile in the first half of 2012 but by the end, start to a steady slow climb ending the year at almost 13,000. Correct
10. Due to the situation in the Middle East continuing to be very unstable oil prices will rise to between $125-$150 a barrel and hold steady. This causes a major slowdown in the economy. Nope
11. The outcome for the POTUS Election ends up in the courts(yes I copied it)Nope
12. Just as scientists predicted, massive solar flares will hit earth and cause huge effects on the world's infrastructure unlike anything that humans have observed. Had some major flares, but not massive effects
13. A new technology revolutionizes the Internet opening up the entire world to usage no matter where one is and it is cheap. Not yet
17. The highest grossing film of the year will be animated and in 3D. Nope
18. Many records will be broken at the 2012 London Summer Olympics, but many are denied as a major steroid use scandal is uncovered. Many broken records, but no major steroid scandal, even though there were athletes sent home
19.The world wll not end on December 21, 2012 as some think the Mayan calendar shows. In fact archaeologists find another Mayan calendar that reveals influences from a culture not previously known. That calendar shows no end in sight . Yes and no
20. The Houston Texans win the Super Bowl. Made the 2nd round of playoffs
21. The Houston Rockets continue to be a mediocre team at best. correct
22. The Houston Astro's still have coaching and management problems and only improve their record slightly from last year. Yes and no
23. I will lose 50 pounds this year. 53

Let's try 2013:
1. I will lose 50 pounds this year.
2. The Houston Texans will win the Super Bowl.
3. The Houston Astros still suck.
4. The Houston Rockets make the first round of playoffs this year.
5. Hurricane season is slightly above average in numbers with 3 landfalling Hurricanes-2 GOM and 1 ATL-1 major-2 strong TS in the GOM and 3 on ATL coast.
6. Puerto Rico continues to move towards becoming the 51st state.
7. Fidel Castro will die this year, and the government stages major demonstrations celebrating him as a hero of the people. 6 months later the current Cuban government is ousted in a coup.
8. The stock market continues to be volatile but slowly inches upward ending the year near 14,000.
9. A new technology revolutionizes the Internet opening up the entire world to usage no matter where one is and it is cheap.
10. Due to the situation in the Middle East continuing to be very unstable oil prices will rise to between $125-$150 a barrel and hold steady. This causes a major slowdown in the economy.
11. Israel bombs Irans Nuclear facilities.
12. Syria uses chemical weapons on its own citizens bringing outrage from around the world. Assad is toppled and the whereabouts of the missing Iraqi WMD are discovered.
13. Egypt's current Government is toppled early in the year resulting in civil war.
14. Winter returns to the US with a vengeance with 2 major blizzards that affect the Midwest, 2 that affect the Mid ATL to the NE, and 2 major snowfalls across the South all the way to the GOM from TX to FL. Houston/SE TX has two snowfalls with one of 6"-10" and one of 1"-3".
15. Drought in the Midwest improves but is not over and drought in Texas becomes severe to exceptional in all areas of the state.
16. Notre Dame wins the BCS Championship in a surprise blow out
17. A major terrorist attack occurs in a major Southern or Southwestern US city.
18. South Korea invades N Korea when an off course missile with a nuclear warhead falls in Seoul but there is no detonation.
Skywarn, C.E.R.T.
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Re: 2013 Predictions

#7 Postby Stephanie » Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:04 pm

1) I will lose another 10 pounds by the end of 2012 through exercise and diet. Okay, 5.5 lbs, but I'm happy and still trying. :)
2) Unemployment will lower to at least 8% by fall 2012. 7.9% in October, 7.7% in November
3) Protests will continue globe wide in 2012 ranging from lack of jobs to dictators. Syria's protests against al Assad will come to a head. He will not be in power by the end of 2012. There's still another 2 hours 50 minutes EST as I write this about al Assad... There were more protests though.
4) There will be a "stare down" between the US and Iran regarding the Strait of Hormuz, but nothing more. Oil will still flow through there. No stare down and the oil is flowing.
5) Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge will become pregnant in 2012. It will be a son. Whadayaknow???? :D We'll see about the sex.
6) The Phillies will not see Ryan Howard play until after May. They will be in the hunt, but will not win the World Series. Howard came back in July and they REALLY came together towards the end of the season. Almost in the playoffs.
7) Winter in the Mid Atlantic will not be as harsh as the prior two record breaking years regarding snow. We will see normal temperatures with some cold spells. Some snow, but closer to normal amounts. First significant snow during the third or 4th week of January. We really didn't have any significant snow to speak off, so I was right about it not being harsh. LOL!
8) The stock market will still be volatile in 2012 with drops and increases of 300+ during a single day occurring multiple times. Overall, the market will still climb higher than 2011. It ended 2012 being just over 13,000 today.
9) The 2012 X-Factor season will be the last. Hmmmm...still out on that one.
10) More "pay it forward" and layaway payoff stories will appear during the course of 2012, not just around the holidays. An Alaskan called into the local general store to buy $500 of food that goes out the door. Someone from the West Coast a 1/2 hour later called and paid for $2,000 in food.
11) A mid level earthquake (around 5.0+) will hit Eastern Canada. It will be felt for hundreds of miles around the center. West Coast in October, 7.7 magnitude.
12) Another dormant volcano will erupt. New Zealand's Mt Tongariro erupted for the first time in over 100 years in August.

1) There will be no NHL season this year. WRONG
2) Andy Reid will be the new coach of the San Diego Chargers.[/color] The Eagles will go with a current College coach to replace him. It will be a bumpy ride. Chiefs for Reid, we'll see about the coach for the Eagles - Chip Kelly of Oregon so 1/2 right.
3) The Phillies will have Utley and Howard playing most of the year. They will be in the pennant race for the whole season and may make the playoffs via wildcard.
4) Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will go into exile.
5) Another "Egyptian Spring" will occur due to the current leadership in Egypt.
6) Unemployment will drop to the 7% range by year end.
7) An earthquake of 5 or a little more will hit the mid-southern states, Missouri, Tennessee, Arkansas.
8) Hillary Clinton will go into semi-retirement due to her health. She will not be in the public lime-light much this year.
9) I will buy my own home in 2013. :) YEP
10) The Denver Broncos will play in the Superbowl this year. WRONG
11) Tornado season will be very busy during the peak time of April & May. Another large town/small city will be heavily hit.
12) The summer economy for the New Jersey shore and Long Island beaches will be hit hard due to the destruction of Sandy.
13) Rebuilding along the NJ shoreline will begin, but the layout and structures will be very different due to newer environmental and structure requirements.NJ will follow FEMA's recommendations meaning structures will have to be about a story high off of the ground.
14) Hurricane season will be moderate in the number of storms. Not as many, but 3 or more tropical systems will make US landfall.
15) There will be a very well publicized tragedy at sea with a fairly large vessel.http://www.ctnow.com/news/sns-rt-us-usa-newyork-ferrybre9080o9-20130109,0,4799035.story?track=rss - I was thinking of a larger vessel than a ferry, but, I'm glad no one was killed.
16) I will lose another 7 pounds this year through diet and exercise.
17) I don't see the winter of 2013 having any major cold spells (25 or below for highs, 3 or more days in a row) or major snow storms over 6" each. We may have a problem with a storm that may bring ice along the Mid Atlantic. Had our first 20 degree cold spell this week, all around 25 or below. We'll see about the snow. UPDATE - not one storm all season with over 6" of snow as of 3/11/13.
18) The Mississippi will rise again, but it won't quite reach normal levels by year end.

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2013 Predictions

#8 Postby Cyclenall » Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:41 am

Cyclenall wrote:I wanted to do the 2011 Predictions thing last year but ran out of time so here is a big one for 2012:

1. Fidel Castro will STILL not die this year (I was going to state this in the 2011 one) Yes
2. The Atlantic Hurricane season will have multiple major landfalling hurricanes on the US coastline Nope!
3. Another massive Tsunami will occur somewhere because of a 9.7M Earthquake, the strongest ever Big No
4. The winter in Canada will be very short, spring will start in early March and be one of the warmest ever Oh Yeah! This was my best prediction since the Micheal Jackson one of 2009. This is cut from my March update last year: "Confirmed, confirmed, confirmed. The winter was very short indeed (some think it will have a last stand in April but my gut feeling is it won't...thus giving climatology the finger like this March as done already) and Spring did start very early (more or less late February but with flux), March is certainly on track to being one of the warmest ever...that is certain. I'll have to wait until the end of Spring to completely verify." - I was right, for my exact location there was no snow accumulation after but I was so close to losing that one. March did end up the warmest ever and the Spring season as a whole basically.
5. Similar to 2011, weather worldwide will be cataclysmic and disastrous I think so, Yes
6. Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination for POTUS No
7. The Occupy movement will die down in the depths of winter but make a sudden and explosive return by mid-summer in more countries and cities worldwide I don't think so
8. The Arab Spring will continue with Syria continuing to explode into Civil War unless there is a no-fly zone put into place. The unprecedented movements will swell more into Iran, Algeria, Egypt, and Iraq Yes for the 1st, no for 2 and 3, Yes for 4, and not quite for 5
9. The stock market will recover more in the first half of 2012 but by the end, start to become extremely unstable Half Right
10. Oil prices will remain steady throughout the entire year between $70-$100 a barrel Yes
11. The outcome for the POTUS Election ends up in the courts No
12. Just as scientists predicted, massive solar flares will hit earth and cause huge effects on the world's infrastructure unlike anything that humans have observed No
13. There will be a video game crash by the end of 2012, PC gaming will be making a whirlwind comeback Sort of, this CNN article
14. Donald Trump will meet Obama and allegedly get into a huge argument with profanity included No, that would have been funny though :lol:
15. In music, the organ will make a comeback in modern music...violin will also continue to be on the slight upswing The organ is resurging in concert halls, 1/4th correct
16. TV viewing continues to dwindle as Internet usage continues to skyrocket, with TV networks becoming more desperate (NBC) Yep!
17. The highest grossing film of the year will be animated No
18. Only 1 record will be broken at the 2012 London Summer Olympics No
19. A revolution in laundry occurs when Whirlpool (the company) designs a washer and dryer in one machine instead of two I found out it was already invented a long time ago
20. The world will not end on December 21, 2012 but something huge WILL occur on this date (not by humans) Half right, nothing huge at all occurred to my surprise

At best, 10/20 right but more likely 5/20 right. Yikes, however the predictions were specific. I did as well as I thought I would :wink: .

Here are my 2013 predictions:

1. Fidel Castro will yet again not die this year either
2. Hugo Chavez will pass away in February
3. Kate Middleton's baby will be a boy
4. Lance Armstrong decides to join NASCAR
5. A wave of countries around the world approve Liberation Therapy for those suffering with MS
6. The Atlantic Hurricane season will be the worst ever for the US
7. The winter in NA will be cold until late February when a large warm-spell ends it. Spring will be above average (not as hot as last year's) with the giant warmth happening in early May this time.
8. Hottest summer ever recorded in Canada and the Great Lakes and 4th warmest for the US. It will be pretty dry again.
9. Next winter will be starting around mid-November and be average until the end
10. Weather worldwide will be disastrous and extreme like the last few years...emphasis on how warm the SST's become everywhere expect the Pacific.
11. Syria continuing to slip into the abyss with the Civil War becoming even more deadly...Bashar Al-Assad uses chemical weapons in April when his back is up against the wall. Over 130,000 die in just weeks and a no-fly zone is put into place with major air-strike activity from NATO. The current regime is just about annihilated by year's end.
12. Egypt and India become problems for the outside as protests and unrest continue
13. The Dow stock market will reach 14,100 by September
14. Oil prices will remain steady throughout the year between $70-$100 a barrel...going down near $60 by the end of the year
15. Grand Theft Auto 5 becomes the best selling game in history when its released
16. In music, Avicii becomes more popular and a new genre gains attention in the fall
17. A Family Guy movie is announced at the end of the year
18. The biggest step in medium production since the Gutenberg printing press...3D printers take off in the middle of the year like wildfire and become complex. This leads to rapid spread of data files containing items that the US government wants to ban *cough*
19. The US tornado season will be very active
20. Israel ends up backing down from striking Iran while Iran runs into problems with its nuclear program
21. A former President will die
22. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton develop a severe case of pneumonia...one of them goes to the hospital
23. In TV: Steve Carell returns for the last episode of The Office, Amish Mafia is renewed for a 2nd season, Honey Boo Boo creates a controversy that almost knocks the family off TV, and The Big Bang Theory becomes the highest rated show in ALL of TV currently airing
24. "Current TV" folds
25. A major miracle that seems supernatural and jaw-dropping grips the headlines at the national level
26. Psy Gangnum and Lindsey Lohan end up in jail
27. Facebook stocks fall even lower down under $10 a share by year's end
28. YouTube changes its layout and interface again
29. Ontario's outgoing Premier Dalton McGuinty gets pied near his departure
30. Piers Morgan is deported back to Britain afterall

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Re: 2013 Predictions

#9 Postby Cyclenall » Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:37 pm

Cyclenall wrote:Here are my 2013 predictions:

2. Hugo Chavez will pass away in February

13. The Dow stock market will reach 14,100 by September

29. Ontario's outgoing Premier Dalton McGuinty gets pied near his departure

I was just a month off for Hugo Chavez passing away which happened yesterday. If it was just 6 days eariler I would have been correct. The Dow reached its record high for the 2nd time in a row today so 13 is a bust. It might be closer to 15,000 by September :eek: . I don't think 29 turned out :( .

Ptarmigan wrote:What will happen in 2013.

13.) Major television network will collapse.

I think I know which one...see my topic about what is going on with NBC :lol: .

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Re: 2013 Predictions

#10 Postby Stephanie » Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:51 pm

I'd still give it to you Cyclenall. :)

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Re: 2013 Predictions

#11 Postby Cyclenall » Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:54 pm

Stephanie wrote:I'd still give it to you Cyclenall. :)

Well that's good because I need to pad my score when we tally them, the score needs help bigtime :) :lol: .

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Re: 2013 Predictions

#12 Postby Hurricaneman » Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:20 pm

From now to the end of the year

1. Jimmie Johnson wins sprint cup title
2. New York Yankees win World Series
3. Miami Heat win NBA Championship
4. North Korea and South Korea have a skirmish but war is adverted
5. Major Hurricane strikes near Tampa
6. Jimmy Carter Dies
7. Lindsay Lohan Dies
8. Betty White Dies
9. New Pope is savior of Catholic Church
10. Gas prices below 3$ a gallon by November
11. Bomb threat in DC
12. Below normal tornado activity


#13 Postby SaskatchewanScreamer » Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:34 pm

1. Winter will end in Saskatchewan sometime in April ..... we are praying.
2. A lot of North America will continue to suffer along with us.
3. Texas and or Florida will have one more freeze.
4. Somewhere down there there will be some horrendous tornadic activity soon.
5. Historical snowfall records will be broken, officially or not, all over Saskatchewan
6. Major flooding will occur in Saskatchewan.
7. Saskatchewan will have lots of rain this summer
8. Farmers here will seriously be eyeing wild rice as a crop
9. Claims to insurance companies, re flooded land/crops, will break all previous records (I wonder, prior to these past few years, if SK. farmers *ever* carried insurance for that???)
10. Drought will continue in Texas
11. Fall, in Saskatchewan, will come later than normal.
12. Fall in North America will be later than normal.

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Re: 2013 Predictions

#14 Postby Cyclenall » Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:55 pm

Cyclenall wrote:Here are my 2013 predictions:

11. Syria continuing to slip into the abyss with the Civil War becoming even more deadly...Bashar Al-Assad uses chemical weapons in April when his back is up against the wall. Over 130,000 die in just weeks and a no-fly zone is put into place with major air-strike activity from NATO. The current regime is just about annihilated by year's end.

There are reports coming out that say that chemical weapons are starting to be used during the last few days. On March 19, the gas used was described as having a "chlorine-like smell". Rebels alleged that a SCUD missile was used to deliver the agent. Here is one source: https://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/20/worl ... wanted=all

These reports aren't confirmed yet but my prediction for major chemical weapon use (that is confirmed) is just weeks away (April).

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#15 Postby Cyclenall » Thu May 16, 2013 11:35 pm

Cyclenall wrote:Here are my 2013 predictions:

23. In TV: Steve Carell returns for the last episode of The Office, Amish Mafia is renewed for a 2nd season, Honey Boo Boo creates a controversy that almost knocks the family off TV, and The Big Bang Theory becomes the highest rated show in ALL of TV currently airing

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D HE DID RETURN FOR THE LAST ONE!! I knew it!! All those articles and reports denying him of appearing on the last episode of the Office and I stuck to my belief that he would be there. Awesome "surprise" for one of the best TV shows ever. What a finale it was, amazing and probably Steve just appearing in that room with Dwight with a "That's what she said" joke was one of the best moments in television history!!

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Re: 2013 Predictions

#16 Postby xtyphooncyclonex » Sat Dec 14, 2013 8:02 pm

Ptarmigan wrote:Let's see how I predicted 2012.

1.) LSU beats Alabama in BCS Championship in a close game. Alabama won.
2.) Green Bay Packers win Super Bowl XLVI. New York Giants won.
3.) There will be multiple cold blasts in January and February on the level of 1985. 2011-2012 winter was a warm winter.
4.) Arizona wins in March Madness. Kentucky won.
5.) Texas drought is declared over in late Spring after massive and widespread flooding similar to December 1991 Flood. Texas is still in a drought.
6.) There will be multiple tornado outbreaks. Tornado outbreaks did occur, including the most recent one.
7.) Los Angeles Lakers win the NBA Championship. Miami won.
8.) The hurricane season will be less active than 2010 and 2011, but more storms make landfall. Three major hurricanes make landfall on America. 2012 was just as active as 2010 and 2011 and Hurricane Sandy made landfall, which was devastating.
9.) The economy weakens again due to Europe's Financial Crisis. The economy is still weak.
10.) America wins the most gold medals in 2012 Olympics. America won most gold medals at 46.
11.) Multiple incidents of mass shootings throughout America, including one school shooting. There were Aurora movie theater and Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre.
12.) 2012 Elections ends up in the courts. Never happened.
13.) Texas Rangers go to the World Series again and win. San Francisco Giants won.
14.) Casey Anthony is in legal trouble again and goes to prison. Never happened.
15.) Westboro Baptist Church collapses. Still could happen.
16.) Jerry Sandusky will be sentenced to 400 years in prison. Sandusky was sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison.
17.) Lindsey Lohan goes back to prison. Looks like that could happen in 2012.
18.) Iran's nuclear weapons program collapses. Not yet.
19.) A massive solar flare, even more powerful than Carrington Super Flare of 1859 and causes massive power failure. Never happened, but solar flare activity has not peaked.
20.) The world will not end on December 21, 2012. Spot on.

I got somethings right. :lol: :wink:

What will happen in 2013.
1.) Notre Dame wins BCS Championship in close game.
2.) Houston Texans win the Super Bowl XLVII.
3.) Huge Arctic blasts in January and February and on par with 1949, 1951, 1985, and 1989.
4.) Michigan wins in March Madness.
5.) Texas and American drought is over after a wet late winter and spring.
6.) Economy goes back into a recession.
7.) A former President will pass away.
8.) Two bright comets will occur and one will be the brightest and greatest in many years around Thanksgiving and Christmas (Comet ISON).
9.) Syrian Civil War becomes a Middle East wide war.
10.) Strings of mass shootings at various places.
11.) Terrorist attack in a place that is least expected.
12.) A massive solar flare, even more powerful than Carrington Super Flare of 1859 and causes massive power failure.
13.) Major television network will collapse.
14.) Massive earthquake in San Francisco Bay Area.
15.) Major hurricane makes landfall on Gulf Coast in a less than active hurricane season.
16.) Super typhoon makes landfall on Shanghai.
17.) More legal problems for Penn State stemming from Jerry Sandusky scandal and Sandusky being prosecuted for more crimes.
18.) North Korea launches a missile with a nuclear warhead, but falls into the ocean.
19.) A missing child case that gets a lot of media attention.
20.) Iran is attacked by Israel.

Things that are true, and partially true.
7) A former president of SOUTH AFRICA, Nelson Mandela had passed away...
14) Only weak earthquakes.... But, a strong and deadly had hit the Philippines.
15) Less than active, but no majors!
16) Super typhoon Utor hit China as it weakened, but not Shanghai. Super typhoon Haiyan killed at least 6000 people in the Philippines at a very high intensity of 170 knots [315 kph] before heading towards China and Vietnam as a minimal typhoon. NO Storm had hit Shanghai, but South China.
REMINDER: My opinions that I, or any other NON Pro-Met in this forum, are unofficial. Please do not take my opinions as an official forecast and warning. I am NOT a meteorologist. Following my forecasts blindly may lead to false alarm, danger and risk if official forecasts from agencies are ignored.

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Re: 2013 Predictions

#17 Postby vbhoutex » Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:11 am

Let's try 2013:
1. I will lose 50 pounds this year. lost a few more pound but not 50
2. The Houston Texans will win the Super Bowl. UH, NO!!
3. The Houston Astros still suck. BINGO!!
4. The Houston Rockets make the first round of playoffs this year.
5. Hurricane season is slightly above average in numbers with 3 landfalling Hurricanes-2 GOM and 1 ATL-1 major-2 strong TS in the GOM and 3 on ATL coast. NOT EVEN
6. Puerto Rico continues to move towards becoming the 51st state. I think so
7. Fidel Castro will die this year, and the government stages major demonstrations celebrating him as a hero of the people. 6 months later the current Cuban government is ousted in a coup. nope
8. The stock market continues to be volatile but slowly inches upward ending the year near 14,000. Even better close to 16K
9. A new technology revolutionizes the Internet opening up the entire world to usage no matter where one is and it is cheap. Nope
10. Due to the situation in the Middle East continuing to be very unstable oil prices will rise to between $125-$150 a barrel and hold steady. This causes a major slowdown in the economy.
11. Israel bombs Irans Nuclear facilities. Not yet
12. Syria uses chemical weapons on its own citizens bringing outrage from around the world. Assad is toppled and the whereabouts of the missing Iraqi WMD are discovered. Partially true.
13. Egypt's current Government is toppled early in the year resulting in civil war. Partially true
14. Winter returns to the US with a vengeance with 2 major blizzards that affect the Midwest, 2 that affect the Mid ATL to the NE, and 2 major snowfalls across the South all the way to the GOM from TX to FL. Houston/SE TX has two snowfalls with one of 6"-10" and one of 1"-3". NOPE
15. Drought in the Midwest improves but is not over and drought in Texas becomes severe to exceptional in all areas of the state. Yes and no. Texas went that way and is back in much better shape now.
16. Notre Dame wins the BCS Championship in a surprise blow out Nope
17. A major terrorist attack occurs in a major Southern or Southwestern US city. Not yet
18. South Korea invades N Korea when an off course missile with a nuclear warhead falls in Seoul but there is no detonation. Not yet[/quote]
Skywarn, C.E.R.T.
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Re: 2013 Predictions

#18 Postby WeatherGuesser » Mon Dec 16, 2013 4:32 am

cycloneye wrote:Is that time again to do this thread of predictions by the members. I didn't have a good outcome in the 2012 one so let's see how I do this time.

1-Miami Heat wins a second NBA championship in a row.
2-The U.S will have three landfalling hurricanes.
3-Stock Market reaches 15,000.
4-The U.S will be on the brink of war with North Korea but is averted at the last minute.
5-Powerful earthquake shakes Mexico with many deaths reported.
6-Houston Texans win the Superbowl.
7-Detroit Tigers win the World Series.
8-Israel bombs Iran nuclear facilities.
9-Four well known actors will die.
10-Europe debt crisis will be resolved.

3 - Try 16,100 --- close to 16,200

9 - Four total? Three yesterday alone; Joan Fontaine, Tom Laughlin and Peter O'Toole. I think the total for the year has been closer to 20.

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Re: 2013 Predictions

#19 Postby Ptarmigan » Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:49 pm

Let's see.

What will happen in 2013.
1.) Notre Dame wins BCS Championship in close game. Alabama won.
2.) Houston Texans win the Super Bowl XLVII. No.
3.) Huge Arctic blasts in January and February and on par with 1949, 1951, 1985, and 1989. Another warm winter.
4.) Michigan wins in March Madness. Louisville won.
5.) Texas and American drought is over after a wet late winter and spring. Texas has improved.
6.) Economy goes back into a recession. Economy is questionable.
7.) A former President will pass away. Has not happened.
8.) Two bright comets will occur and one will be the brightest and greatest in many years around Thanksgiving and Christmas (Comet ISON). ISON fizzled.
9.) Syrian Civil War becomes a Middle East wide war. Almost escalated, but getting worse.
10.) Strings of mass shootings at various places. Still happens and there was the DC Naval Yard Massacre.
11.) Terrorist attack in a place that is least expected. Boston Marathon Bombing.
12.) A massive solar flare, even more powerful than Carrington Super Flare of 1859 and causes massive power failure. Never happened yet.
13.) Major television network will collapse. Networks still on.
14.) Massive earthquake in San Francisco Bay Area. Has not happened.
15.) Major hurricane makes landfall on Gulf Coast in a less than active hurricane season. 2013 was quiet.
16.) Super typhoon makes landfall on Shanghai. Close. There was Haiyan.
17.) More legal problems for Penn State stemming from Jerry Sandusky scandal and Sandusky being prosecuted for more crimes. More settlements still going on.
18.) North Korea launches a missile with a nuclear warhead, but falls into the ocean. North Korea made threats in the spring as they always do.
19.) A missing child case that gets a lot of media attention. Have not heard any of it.
20.) Iran is attacked by Israel. May happen, but not this year.

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