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Want to tell your hurricane story for the newsletter?

#1 Postby southerngale » Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:10 am

If you have a story to tell about Katrina, Rita, Wilma, etc. and would like to submit it for the newsletter, please PM me and let me know what you'd like to write about. We'd really like to hear your story and it doesn't have to be a long one to be included.

God bless everyone affected by the devastating hurricanes of 2005.
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#2 Postby southerngale » Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:42 pm

I've gotten a few but could use some more. Anyone else?
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I actually had a letter published about Wilma..........

#3 Postby kenl01 » Sun Nov 20, 2005 10:28 am

it's not that important, just a commentary I wanted to give them about the media and how they misrepresent facts..........

Post and Courier, Charleston, SC

http://www.charleston.net/stories/Defau ... on=letters

How long is history?

Of all the statements coming out about Hurricane Wilma being the "strongest in history," I must totally disagree.

History? How long is history by their standards?

Detailed weather records have only been kept for how long - 130 years? That is like a microscopic needle in a haystack.

One hundred and thirty years is a spark compared to earth's history dating back to roughly 4- 1/2 billion years.

Before the 1940s there were certainly no hurricane hunter aircraft or satellites able to accurately measure hurricane intensity, so when some in the media made the statement that "Wilma was the strongest in history" one needs to ask: "How long have hurricanes been around ?" Certainly far longer than any of the media channels or any detailed weather records.

Maybe they should have rephrased that by adding the words: "Wilma was the strongest Atlantic hurricane in recorded history since human-powered aircraft were able to measure hurricanes."

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Re: I actually had a letter published about Wilma..........

#4 Postby Tampa Bay Hurricane » Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:17 pm

kenl01 wrote:it's not that important, just a commentary I wanted to give them about the media and how they misrepresent facts..........

Post and Courier, Charleston, SC

http://www.charleston.net/stories/Defau ... on=letters

How long is history?

Of all the statements coming out about Hurricane Wilma being the "strongest in history," I must totally disagree.

History? How long is history by their standards?

Detailed weather records have only been kept for how long - 130 years? That is like a microscopic needle in a haystack.

One hundred and thirty years is a spark compared to earth's history dating back to roughly 4- 1/2 billion years.

Before the 1940s there were certainly no hurricane hunter aircraft or satellites able to accurately measure hurricane intensity, so when some in the media made the statement that "Wilma was the strongest in history" one needs to ask: "How long have hurricanes been around ?" Certainly far longer than any of the media channels or any detailed weather records.

Maybe they should have rephrased that by adding the words: "Wilma was the strongest Atlantic hurricane in recorded history since human-powered aircraft were able to measure hurricanes."

I agree. They should state in "recorded history" as opposed to "history" in order to accurately represent the facts...


#5 Postby MiamiensisWx » Thu Nov 24, 2005 7:22 pm

I always say that Wilma is the strongest Atlantic hurricane in RECORDED history because there could have easily been one or more either matching it or being stronger than it that was not recorded before records began.

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#6 Postby kenl01 » Thu Dec 01, 2005 3:24 pm

Thanks guys !

There were many different climates in history, and I bet long ago there probably were far more powerful and larger hurricanes during times when the climate was more tropical than today, such as the dinosaur age ? Hurricane seasons could also have lasted longer, although that's subject to speculation.

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#7 Postby WXBUFFJIM » Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:51 am

Looking at Katrina from a meteorological stand point, given the large size of the storm, even a weakening trend near the coast did not weaken the storm surge. I think we all learned a lesson what the power of water can do over a very highly surge prone area. We're talking cat 5 surge over the Louisiana and Mississippi coastline compliments of a category 3 or 4 hurricane and a larger hurricane than even camille was.

I really find that quite scary. The key as we approach the holidays though is god bless the folks affected by the past three hurricane seasons and hopefully this holiday season will be a brighter one as folks come together.


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#8 Postby Pearl River » Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:42 am

WXBUFFJIM You could not have said it better.

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#9 Postby JonathanBelles » Sat Dec 24, 2005 9:42 pm

well i just moved down in november 2003 just after the 2003 hurricane season and we had no experiance though hurricanes but we got hammered in 2006 by 3 of the 4 hurricanes. then again in 2005 by dennis, katrina, and wilma. But by far my wrst experiance was of frances, i was stuck by windows holding out plastic windows with my mom while my dad was in afganistan for 4 hours listening to the radio, the howling winds, and our animals crying:cry: . after that was over i now realize that it could have been worse like katrina (i feel so sorry). when home depot opened we got new windows and some wood. we've used it too many times since then

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#10 Postby Tampa Bay Hurricane » Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:43 pm

fact789 wrote:well i just moved down in november 2003 just after the 2003 hurricane season and we had no experiance though hurricanes but we got hammered in 2006 by 3 of the 4 hurricanes. then again in 2005 by dennis, katrina, and wilma. But by far my wrst experiance was of frances, i was stuck by windows holding out plastic windows with my mom while my dad was in afganistan for 4 hours listening to the radio, the howling winds, and our animals crying:cry: . after that was over i now realize that it could have been worse like katrina (i feel so sorry). when home depot opened we got new windows and some wood. we've used it too many times since then

wow glad you are okay after that frances experience. Yes Frances
was indeed a howler those winds really howled that
2004 labor day weekend. Jeanne was also quite a howler.
This year I mainly got outer bands of storms...but nothing compared
to the central Gulf Coast's hurricanes.

My prayers are with all along the central Gulf Coast as well as
with everyone else affected by these storms.

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#11 Postby Extremeweatherguy » Mon Jan 02, 2006 5:42 pm

Tampa Bay Hurricane wrote:
fact789 wrote:well i just moved down in november 2003 just after the 2003 hurricane season and we had no experiance though hurricanes but we got hammered in 2006 by 3 of the 4 hurricanes. then again in 2005 by dennis, katrina, and wilma. But by far my wrst experiance was of frances, i was stuck by windows holding out plastic windows with my mom while my dad was in afganistan for 4 hours listening to the radio, the howling winds, and our animals crying:cry: . after that was over i now realize that it could have been worse like katrina (i feel so sorry). when home depot opened we got new windows and some wood. we've used it too many times since then

wow glad you are okay after that frances experience. Yes Frances
was indeed a howler those winds really howled that
2004 labor day weekend. Jeanne was also quite a howler.
This year I mainly got outer bands of storms...but nothing compared
to the central Gulf Coast's hurricanes.

My prayers are with all along the central Gulf Coast as well as
with everyone else affected by these storms.

Hope everyone's luck continues this year. Seems like I can not escape each season without a damaging hurricane hitting my area. Last year it was Charley, Francis and Jeanne in Orlando and this year it was Rita in Houston. I can still remember the quick, ferocious punch of the 100-110mph gusts from Hurricane Charley, and the never ending hurricane gusts of Francis and Jeanne, but really it could have been much worse. it is hard to imagine worse though, because seeing your town shut down for weeks and watching as thousands of 100 year old oaks are piled onto showalter field (a local football field in Winter Park, FL) is something I will never forget. The mangled street signs, and the sheet metal strewn across power lines was quite a sight, so to imagine worse is hard, but as we have seen this year....very possible. Best of luck to all!

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#12 Postby stu » Sat Jan 07, 2006 4:44 am


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#13 Postby cajungal » Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:46 pm

I wanted to tell a story for the newsletter because I enjoy writing. But, there is not much to tell because I really did not experience Katrina. We evacuated and it was the very first time I ever evacuated for any hurricane threat. We used to just sit at home, board up, stock up on water, batteries, food, etc... and ride them out. We drove 2 and half hours to my aunt and uncles in Ville Platte. (north of Lafayette) They live in a very rural area and you have to drive 20 minutes just to get to a store or fast food place. It was a very boring 2 days and I was worried sick about everyone back home. My grandparents, uncle and 10-year old cousin fled their home in Picayune, MS to join us in Ville Platte. My aunt (who lives in Kenner) and her elderly friend who lives near the Garden District in New Orleans also stopped by. It was a very emotional 2 days. For us, the news was good. Terrebonne Parish was on the western side of the storm and we got winds around 80 mph. But, we did not get the surge and our only damage was lots of fallen trees. The few that did get property damage was all from fallen trees. We had zero damage to our property. Power was out for 3 days. But, it was nothing to really complain about when other people went through much worse. We had a generator and we drove out to Lowes which was one of the few stores in town that was actually open. We bought the last window AC unit they had. So, we hooked up the window unit in my parent's bedroom to the generator. I camped out in my parents bedroom nearly all the time. I stayed in a sleeping bag on the floor. It was 96 degrees outside. A battery operated TV and a radio was my only link to what was going in New Orleans and on the MS coast. And all I could do was cry and was in shock for weeks to come. It really took a toll on me. Hundreds of evacuees started to pour in the Houma-Thibodaux area. I voluntered to help the victims, but was told they did not need any more help. All the evacuees I met were nice and grateful for everybody trying to help.
We were worried about my grandparents, uncle and 10-year old cousin's home in Picayune where the eye came ashore. It was feared that they lost their home. My dad and his 2 brothers went to make a trip there to check it out. The news could not be better. Amazing! Their house survived without so much of a scratch. Just a tiny piece of wood was knocked off from the frame. And tons of trees down, but not a 1 fell on the house. Not even a roof shingle missing. Their property is actually in the Kiln area and on some very big hills. So, that is probably why the surge did not reach them. Nearby Waveland is where my grandparents have to go to do their shopping. It is the only place close because they live in such a rural area. It was almost wiped off the map. My grandparents just moved to Picayune about 10 months before Katrina from Long Beach. Their old apartment complex on Beach Blvd in Long Beach was completly destroyed. If they would of still lived there, they would of lost everything they owned. My grandparents, uncle and cousin moved backed to their home in MS about a month after Katrina hit.

The news was not so good for my aunt's elderly lady friend. She lived near the levee breech and lost her home that she lived in for over 50 years. Her house survived Betsy and all other storms, but lost everything she owned to Katrina. This lady is the sweetest lady you would ever want to meet. She came on our trip to Destin, Florida with my aunt and I only 2 weeks before Katrina hit. She insisted on paying for every meal that the 3 of us ate! Tip and everything. This lady would give you the shirt off her back. She has been staying at my grandparents home in MS ever since Katrina. It is now January and she is still here. Her son in Idaho near the Canadian border has already bought her a new home there. She went to visit, but did not stay. Her heart is here. As long as she got friends to love her here in Louisiana and MS, this is her home. She will always be a part of the city she loves New Orleans. That is my story. I know I was supposed to PM it, but got carried away with my writing on here. You know I still never been back to New Orleans since Katrina and it is only an hour drive away from my home? I guess it is kind of sad to go back, but I never had a real reason to go. I will definitly go back, just don't know when. My parents are going to the MS coast next week to visit my grandparents. I won't be able to go because of work. If they would of let me know earlier, I could of took some vacation days and went up there with them. It is only a 2 hour drive. But, they let me know way too last minute and it is too late to ask off for work.

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#14 Postby LaPlaceFF » Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:01 pm

Not to rush anyone, but when is the newsletter coming out?

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#15 Postby LaPlaceFF » Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:14 pm

bump-When is the newsletter coming out...

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