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Riots in Oakland.

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 9:52 pm
by chadtm80
Destroying there own city. I never understand this. but what a buch of sore losers.....

OAKLAND, Calif., Jan. 27 — Police arrested 65 people and dispersed scores more with tear gas and rubber pellets as fans, unhappy with the Oakland Raiders’ loss to Tampa Bay in the Super Bowl, took to the streets Sunday night to hurl rocks and bottles and set fire to cars
THREE FIREMEN sustained minor injuries from bottles and rocks thrown by rioters along International Boulevard. Most of the arrests were for drunkenness.
Hoping to avoid rioting, police had assigned hundreds of extra officers to work Sunday, but as crowds gathered after the Raiders’ 48-21 loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, trouble broke out.
About 10 vehicles were set on fire, and crowds broke the windows of at least one television news van, police and witnesses said. One group of young men set debris on fire in the middle of a street and then posed for news photographers. Rioters broke nearly every window at a McDonald’s restaurant, which was also set on fire.
Tear gas wafted through the area, and some witnesses picked up rubber bullets fired by police.
Police closed off some streets as the trouble shifted through various areas of East Oakland. Eventually, things quieted down.
It was the second week in a row that violence happened after a Raiders game. The previous week, after the team advanced to the Super Bowl, crowds set fires, broke windows and threw rocks and bottles along International Boulevard, the same area hit after the championship game.
Some shop owners in the area closed at kickoff time in hopes of avoiding trouble.

Win or lose...

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 12:03 am
by mf_dolphin
I guess it doesn't really matter to them. They seem to have a need to burn things and riot. I just don;t understand the logic, what did the cars and building have to do with either the win or the loss :o

Let's face it, there are just some people who are looking for a reason to run amok. The best solution for that would be some old time police head busting LOL Send a few New York City Irish Cops out there next time and I doubt it would happen again LOL

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 9:50 am
by JCooper
Ohio State did the same thing after winning their final game before the Fiesta Bowl and Oakland did it last week when they won.. and they give all the bad publicity against the colleges when the kids and fans tear down the goal post