Grants for Katrina victims

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Grants for Katrina victims

#1 Postby MSRobi911 » Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:25 am

Let me just say, if you got a grant, more power to you, if you got your additional check, fantastic, if not, you need to check and see why you haven't gotten your reassessment check. My husband's mother and father and two of his six brothers did get grants, they still had homes, just wet. So I am glad that was there for them. Their three homes were three good miles in from the coast and not in flood zones.

BUT the thing that really chaps my britches, is that all the catagories listed as in Not in a flood zone no flood insurance, in a flood zone, no flood insurance, in a flood zone and not enough flood insurance coverage........why is it the only ones to be questioned and limited on TOTAL household income including your children in college if they worked summer jobs to 42,000.00 or some odd figure like that........come on!!!!! I have to add that flood insurance when not in a flood zone costs maximum of 326.00 a year for 250,000.00 of coverage and 100,000 for contents.

Come on, we were in a flood zone, we had flood insurance, just doesn't cover the entire house being gone, you normally don't think that a hurricane storm surge is going to totally wipe your house away with everything in it during a hurricane, there should be wind damage if the storm surge was that bad. We were flooded in Georges and we heard from previous owner they were flooded with Camille, only a small amount. Never in a million years did I dream that the whole house would be gone and we would get no Homeowners coverage at all, flat out denied!

But we as good citizens, paying astronomical fees for flood insurance (as much as we could afford to the tune of $1,400.00 a year) on top of regular homeowners insurance and taxes, etc..are penalized because of our income. What about these folks that lived in a flood zone and had no flood insurance, they got just as much grant money as the ones not in flood zones, but were not questioned on income, that burns me up.

Well now I have said my piece!

Thanks for listening!


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